Talent Strategy
"We need to ensure our clients’ talent and business strategies
are aligned to create a compelling value proposition"
"We need to ensure our clients’ talent and business strategies
are aligned to create a compelling value proposition"
When your talent and business strategies aren’t in sync, misguided talent programs tend to be a burden to your organization. Worse yet, your people don’t understand how these programs are intended to drive business results– they are perceived as a waste of time, which devalues the pivotal role talent function can play in driving business success. We work with clients to formulate effective talent strategies, build alignment across leadership teams, and drive full implementation.
We’ll help you fully understand business strategy and fill in all of the blanks required to truly understand the implications for your people. Then we’ll identify the knowledge, competences and skill sets you’ll need to deliver on your business goals, now and in the future.
Partner with your leadership team to translate your business strategy into people strategy which your organization needs to execute on including workforce and organization design, acquisition, development, leadership and culture.
Building your winning talent programs starts with understanding what your employees want and why they are there. Identify and develop programs to support and grow together with your employees. Then track the gap between them along the way.
"You need to gain powerful insights on your
leaders’ readiness across the organization."
Extended experiences as a talent strategy and search consultant give us a deep understanding in identifying leadership gap and conducting assessment beyond checklist of competencies. Investing in leaders’ continued growth and success is an investment in the ongoing health and growth of your business.
All leaders require focused, one-on-one partnership support at some point along their leadership journey. Working with many leaders of the top global organizations has given us a unique perspective on the challenges they are facing whether it’s helping enhance their self-awareness, tackle a very specific issue or transition into a new role.
A thoughtful and rigorous leadership assessment gives you the confidence and insights that you need for making many business decisions from company investment to succession planning. Also, this process is the starting point of building strong leadership pipelines and preventing people risk which can dilute the business growth.
"Companies need to be very intentional in creating their culture;
it should be built to drive specific results."
We are “Corporate Culture Advocates”. We help our clients whether it is for a start-up creating your culture for the first time, or an established company that needs to re-invent its culture. While the outcomes in each case may vary greatly, your company culture and value people share should be the core of what you do and why you are there.
Multiple drivers can impact the success of creating “corporate culture”, but most fundamental thing is the CEO’s mindset that their culture based on the shared value in your company is essential to your success. Secondly, employees need to be engaged as co-creators of their future value. Thirdly, everyone in the organization has to understand your culture is directly linked to the success of your business and open to the pivotal changes.
A more diverse and inclusive culture makes stronger organization for talent engagement, retention, collaboration, innovation and driving growth. Our approach to build this culture for our clients is not by checking all the required boxes but by developing interlinked talent programs that enforce people to work based on this principle.
"Our clients can sense the value of people data, but not necessarily
see them and interpret them clearly to make changes."
People often misunderstand that talent management is more touch-feely business, not based on the accurate data nor delivering the solid results in visible timeframe. We can help you cut through the ambiguity to make informed investments decisions on your talent and assist your organization in creating more effective talent strategy.
We’ll partner with HR team to help your organization understand how important people metrics can be to make wise strategic decisions. Talent analytics can provide insights that can be leveraged to take informed and proactive decisions.
Based on the outputs of your analytics, we can create more optimized talent strategies tailored to your unique situation. Potential areas of talent management your analytics efforts can impact:
Diversity and Inclusion
Compensation & Rewards
Workforce planning
Development Plan